Hey, friends! You were probably expecting a new episode today, but sometimes life, uh, gets in the way. As such, we’re taking a short, one month hiatus from regular episodes, but will be back with a new one in September. Follow us @shitweveread on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for books, updates, and a GIVEAWAY! Yay! Giveaway details are coming soon so keep your eyes on our social feeds!

In the meantime, here’s more of guest host Bella Romero’s origin story from Ep04: The Lost Apothecary. Happy listening!

Please Note:
Shit We’ve Read transcripts are created using an online generator with light editing by Laura and Jason. This transcript may not be fully completed or accurate.

[Opening Theme Music]

LAURA:       Hey, friends! This is Laura Benson-

JASON:       -And Jason Rico-

LAURA:       -hosts of Shit We’ve Read. Normally a new episode would be out today but, as life usually does, it’s thrown a few curve balls at us individually.

JASON:       Yeah, um… Laura and her husband decided to remodel their house and, as anybody who’s ever remodeled a house I’m sure is aware, 5 months later and unfortunately, it’s still not done.

[Laura sighs]

JASON:       So they are dealing with that.

LAURA:       Yeah. I kinda need a kitchen back.

JASON:       That would be nice. A kitchen would be good.

LAURA:       I don’t really like eating food out of the microwave all the time.

JASON:       I mean, just think of it as like college living again.


LAURA:       Eeeeehhhh…

JASON:       No? Okay. Moving on.

[Both laugh]

LAURA:       And! Uh, Jason just moved into a new apartment-

JASON:       Mhmm.

LAURA:       -and needs to unpack his bazillion boxes.

JASON:       At least a bazillion. Maybe a gazillion. I don’t know what’s more. Either one.

LAURA:       Yeah.

JASON:       I have a lot of boxes.

LAURA:       It might take awhile.

JASON:       I have a lot of boxes. You know, it’s fun and games collecting all these books until you have to pack them up and carry them.

LAURA:       Ooooo….

JASON:       They weight a lot!

LAURA:       That’s a good workout!

JASON:       Yeah but they weight a lot. Maybe, maybe I should just go all digital. [laughs]

LAURA:       No! Don’t do that!

[Both laugh]

JASON:       Anyhow, so we’ve decided to take a short, one month hiatus to tend to our personal matters. However, we still are working on Shit We’ve Read behind the scenes. We’re working on scheduling out future books, working on getting some good guest hosts for you guys, and some other fun things.

LAURA:       Like a book giveaway!

JASON:       Aaayyyyyy!!!

LAURA:       Aaayyyyyy!!! So if you haven’t already, follow us @shitweveread on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can keep up with us there and also watch out for our giveaway post. And then if anybody would like to follow Jason and I individually, you can find me @aka_ellebee and Jason is @jricochet. We are both on Instagram and Twitter.

[Laura: Instagram, Twitter  |  Jason: Instagram, Twitter]

JASON:       Yup! I’m super excited to finally be doing our first giveaway.

LAURA:       I know! They’re so fun!

JASON:       Yeah, yeah yeah. In the meantime, we wanted to share a little something with you guys, since we don’t have a full episode. So here is Bella Romero‘s full origin story from our last episode. If you listen to it, she talks about a story from her childhood, which I kinda cut to make it a little short because the episode was going a little long already. Anyhow, here is the full origin story. Is she a villain? Is she a hero? I don’t know! You decide!

LAURA:       Have fun!

[theme music]

[Bonus Content]

BELLA:       Because also that’s where like history books were controlled by men too. Still are. Um. For the most part. And so. Men are trash.

[Laura laughs]

BELLA:       That’s just gonna be my slogan on your podcast now. Men are trash.

JASON:       I was saying, next time you come on and read a quote unquote feminist book, that’s going to be the signal. Every time Bella says “Men are trash,” you take a shot.

LAURA:       Wow. I’m not going to make it.

JASON:       And we’ll be done by 30 minutes in.

BELLA:       I mean, that quote has gotten me into many, many troubles with the men. As early as-god, I don’t think anyone’s gonna listen to this that was actually there for this moment. But I am famous for a moment in 8th grade where I was like “This character gave up her independence for a man so easily. I had better hopes for this character.” Like it was set in industrial America. So you know, early-or no. Late 1800s. Sorry. Industrial revolution. And this women, young woman, finds her own, earns her own money, is super independent, very successful, like working in the factory and I think starts like sewing things on the side. All this stuff. Creates an independent life for herself when women didn’t have independent lives. Gave it all away for a man at the very end! And I was like “That ending should never have happened. It goes against the lesson of the story. She was independent. Why couldn’t she have stayed independent? Like, why give us, why give us this normal ending? Didn’t need to happen.” And I was told I’d never get married for saying that.

LAURA:       [scoffs] Woah.

BELLA:       And I threw- I accidentally- I was like wagging my finger with my pen in my hand like I’m doing right now. No one can see it, except for you two. But wagging my pen at this guy who said it and I hit him in the eyebrow with my pen. And ever since, men are trash. So.

[Jason chuckles]

BELLA:       Hence, hence my famous quote that men are trash in most novels! And in life!

[All laugh]

[closing music]

BELLA:       Sorry, Rico.

[All continue laughing]

JASON:       It’s fine.

LAURA:       Tangent. Sorry.

BELLA:       A little bit of a tangent. Always had my opinions. Men are trash.

JASON:       Yep. Yeah.

BELLA:       Women are better off without them!

JASON:       You’re not wrong.

BELLA:       You know. But uh, yeah.