Shit We’ve Read is a sci-fi/fantasy book podcast. Think of us as your friendly, neighborhood online book club.

Each month, Laura Benson, Jason Rico, and Bella Romero (with the occasional guest host) will read a new book, then discuss it in an episode. We encourage you, our listeners, to add your thoughts to the conversation on our social media.

We are not professional book reviewers. (Yet.) We just like talking about the shit we’ve read.

Our Hosts

Shit We’ve Read is hosted by three friends who love to geek out about everything. Learn a bit about us below.

Laura Benson

Laura is a big fan of sci-fi novels and comic books. Give her anything to do with space travel, aliens, robots, artificial intelligence, futuristic technology, and powered humans and she’ll be as happy as can be. She also enjoys a bit of urban fantasy.

Aside from books, Laura is a geek of a variety of other things. She loves video games, movies/tv shows, and is a professional graphic designer that works from home. She’s also dabbled in a bit of film production, animation, music, and writing.

Follow Laura on Instagram and Goodreads!

Jason Rico

A lifelong geek, Jason grew up on equal parts comic books, novels, and cartoons. If you know him, none of this should be a surprise.

A professional video editor by day and an avid relaxer by night, Jason has fully accepted the reality that he buys books as decoration rather than to actually read them. That’s not to say he doesn’t read a lot of books. He does. Just not always the books he physically owns.

Jason has studied at Battle School, Brakebills College, and Miskatonic University, and his passport includes stamps from lands such as Earthsea, Panem, Fillory, Ravka, and Trantor.

Follow Jason on Instagram and Goodreads!

Bella Romero

Like so many others, the pandemic brought out Bella’s creative side and allowed their true identity as a creative book nerd to shine.

Bella can always be found reading anything fiction, but their favorite genres by far are historical fiction and fantasy. In addition, they love everything that includes fairytale reimaginings, romance, dystopian societies, mythology, mystery, and Bildungsroman.

When not reading, Bella can be found at local coffee shops, hiking out in the wilderness while pretending to explore fictional worlds like Endor and the Enchanted Forest, or thrifting cottagecore and dark academia decor to go with their collection of old books.

Follow Bella on Instagram and Goodreads!


From long-time guest host to now official SWR After Dark co-host, Emma is a reader of fantasy, sci-fi, and romance – that is, anything that removes her from real life. She is also a fan of fantasy/sci-fi movies and TV as well as an avid gamer. You can usually see her decades of gaming experience adding up to still not being very good at them a few nights a week on Twitch.

She’s also a co-host on the podcast BYLO Watch where her and a friend dissect book-to-TV show adaptations. The first four seasons are available to listen to now, where they discuss three seasons of HBO’s His Dark Materials and the first season of Netflix’s Shadow & Bone.

Follow Emma on Instagram and Goodreads!

Want to learn more about us? Listen to Minisode: Meet the Hosts to get to know Laura and Jason and learn more about Bella in Minisode 04: Meet Bella!


Hosted & Recorded by Laura Benson, Jason Rico, and Bella Romero
Edited by Jason Rico
Music by Joshua Chilton
Headshots © Eddie Ostrowski

Shit We’ve Read is a proud member of the BYLO Network.
Please visit for more geeky podcasts like us.

What is Oblivion Geeks?

Oblivion Geeks is a group of geeky friends getting together to create geeky online content.

Founded by Laura and Jason, Oblivion Geeks was originally the online presence for Oblivion Comics & Coffee, a comic book/coffee shop located in Sacramento, California. Laura and Jason hosted livestreams and shared review videos under Oblivion Geeks as another way to connect to customers and friends who were not able to regularly visit the shop.

Sadly, Oblivion had to permanently close its doors late 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we hope Oblivion’s spirit will live on starting with our first official podcast, Shit We’ve Read.